CFI2014 - The 9th International Conference on Future Internet TechnologiesCFI2014 – The 9th International Conference on Future Internet Technologies


June 18th (Wed) : CJK Workshop

Venue :  Engineering #2 Building, EEIC Room #2

13:00 – 13:05  Opening

13:05 – 14:20  Session I

Engineering and Technology Innovation of the NGI Architecture
Prof.Jianping Wu (Tsinghua University)

Standardization of emergent Wireless LAN technology and evaluation
Dr.Hiroshi Mano (University of Yamanashi)

Playing with Software-defined infrastructure
Prof.JongWon Kim (GIST)

14:20 – 14:40  Break

14:40 – 15:55  Session II

Network and HEP computing in China
Prof.Gongxing Sun (IHEP, Chinese Academy of Science)

Overviews of Cloud Computing and SDN activities in WIDE Project
Prof.Yuji Sekiya (Univ.of Tokyo)

Research Progress of the “Future Internet Architecture and Innovation Environment” Project in China
Prof.Jun Bi (Tsinghua University)

 15:55-16:15  Break

16:15-17:30  Session III

CCN Research Activities at SNU
Prof. Taekyoung Kwon (SNU)

Boosting Human: Cognitive Approach for Anti-Phishing
Prof.Daisuke Miyamoto, (Univ. of Tokyo)

IRIS-CoMan: Scalable and Reliable control and Management for SDN-based Large-scale Networks
Dr. Taesang Choi (ETRI)